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#TornadoGiveaway: Love Is In The Air by Adite Banerjie @Adite

#TornadoGiveaway 2 Love Is In The Air by @Adite  
Disclaimer: This story is part of the #TornadoGiveaway posts by The Book Club and has been published as-is, in its unedited form on Tell-A-Tale.

When veteran writers like Adite Banerjie gives us a peep in to her writer’s life, we lap it up eagerly! Adite Banerjie is one of the few Indian Harlequin Romance writers, whose work Trouble has a New Name and The Indian Tycoon’s Marriage Deal makes us go mushy over true love again. 

Here is a short Screen Play. 



Valentine Day celebrations. People throng stalls selling items from snacks to accessories and costumes. Red heart shaped balloons everywhere. It’s noisy, colorful, festive.

A tall young man, RAVI, sips a drink at an open air cafe.

A beautiful girl, MINI, in a colorful silk dress, bangles on her hands, walks past him. 

He hears the RUSTLE of silk, the TINKLE of her bangles, inhales her scent. He’s mesmerized. 

He gets up. Picks up a white cane and follows.

He pushes through the crowds of young couples. Strains to hear. Pauses. Walks down. Mini has gone the other way.

Mini stops to admire a silk scarf at a stall. 

Ravi flounders. Pauses. Retraces his steps, unwittingly bumping into people. Bollywood music blares loudly.

He walks past Mini, goes on for a while. Stops. 

He inhales. Smiles. Retraces his steps. 

As Ravi reaches the stall, he hears another girl speak. This is Mini’s friend, MISHA.

MISHA :Mini, you were supposed to meet me at the cafe!

Ravi smiles to himself, and murmurs “Mini”. He strains to hear what they are saying. 

As the loud Bollywood music blares, Mini shakes her hand. Her bangles jingle. Misha rolls her eyes.

MISHA :  Not again!

They go to a bangle shop. Ravi follows them, a step behind. Misha places her mobile on the table as they try on bangles. Misha’s mobile RINGS, lights up. Mini points to it. Misha speaks into the phone as Mini looks intently at her.

MISHA : (into the mobile)Hey! You wait for me at the cafe. I’ll be there in two minutes.

She mouths the word “Cafe” and points in its direction. Mini nods, smiles as Misha heads off.

MISHA :Is Jackie coming?

Mini goes back to selecting bangles. Ravi braces himself.

RAVI :Uhhh… Excuse me, Miss.

She ignores Ravi.

SHOPKEEPER :These look great on you. The silver goes with the blue ones. Shall I pack them?

She nods, her eyes lighting up. The shopkeeper wraps them up in a paper bag. Hands it to her.

SHOPKEEPER :One hundred and fifty rupees.

She pulls out her purse, gives him the money. As she is about to walk away, she bumps into Ravi. 

The paper bag falls from her hand, the bangles spill out on to the street.

Mini runs after them as they scatter all around. Starts to pick them up. Jostles against people.

Ravi can’t figure out where she is. He hears the VROOM of approaching motorbikes.

A guy YELLS.

GUY :The motorbike show has started.

Crowds look towards the direction of the motorbikes. Someone kicks a bangle away inadvertently. Mini scrambles for it.

Ravi can’t hear her, he shuffles around, trying to locate her.

She retrieves the lost bangle. Gets up.

The REVVING of motorbikes as they approach. Closer. Faster.

Crowds move away. Ravi’s hand searches, feels her scarf. He yanks it.

Mini looks up, surprised. He grasps her hand, pulls her away from the street. Her hair swirls around him.

Motorcyclists in red T-shirts with hearts on them, their girlfriends in matching T-shirts riding pillion, perform tricks as they graze past them.

Mini is safe in Ravi’s arms. They are both shaken.

RAVI :Are you blind? She reads his lips. 

She signs: “I am deaf”. Then she sees his cane.

Her bangles jingle as she takes his face in her hands and kisses him on the lips.

Red balloons cover the sky.

Meet the Author


The Author’s Thoughts

Adite Banerjie has been writing professionally ever since she graduated from college. After an exciting and fulfilling career as a business journalist, she turned to freelance writing, crunched numbers and wrote reports about consumer behavior and social development issues. Somewhere along the way she got on to the screenwriting bandwagon and wrote scripts for documentaries and spec screenplays for feature films. She was hired by a filmmaker to write a feature script based on a true story. When she penned her first romantic short story she won the 2012 Harlequin Passions Aspiring Authors Contest. Two of her books, The Indian Tycoon’s Marriage Deal and Trouble Has a New Name have been published by Harlequin India. And she is currently under contract to write two more for the same publisher. She lives in Greater Noida, on the outskirts of New Delhi, India, with her writer husband. She loves to connect with readers and writers.

You can stalk her @

If you want to win her book TROUBLE HAS A NEW NAME try the #TornadoGiveaway  organised by The Book Club  

or check out the Rafflecoper below.

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