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Simply being a mom

A mother isn’t based on external perfection. She is a woman, a person just like you and me..

I never knew how hard it is to be a mom and of course how rewarding and contented it is, before I became one. After all those wonderful university studies, seminars , a decorative and socially elated degree behind your name , the moment you get married and become a mom, life becomes topsy-turvy. I don’t understand why ‘home maker’ isn’t looked upon as a profession! I hate when I hear people tell me “Oh! You don’t work?!” Poor fellows, they never will understand the way it feels to be one!

I feel it is mixed up with the media projection of things – places to see, career graph, materialistic race… somewhere the beauty of simply being a mother is completely lost. Sometimes we look at these ‘big’ things and use them as a grade to gauge a woman’s success.

There isn’t much glamour, I agree. But there is ME, ME giving in to myself. Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, month by month adding up to years creating a beautiful, meaningful life filled with ordinary enough ‘mom’ moments.

It’s simply being a mom.

Getting up in the morning, looking in the mirror, sighing, quickly brushing and freshening up, picking up the wailing toddler and wandering into the kitchen, rinsing dishes, waiting for the coffee to brew, kissing the kid on the head …ah … those MOM THINGS!

The things that don’t get celebrated on Facebook or Twitter or any social media. They are just MOM THINGS that I cherish both as a mom of two and as a daughter myself.

Standing in the bathroom with kids singing or chatting, the trips back and forth room to room, the repeated walks around the house, tidying up, waiting at the doctor’s, carrying them where ever you go, full water bottles and biscuits always stocked in your hand bags, hand kerchiefs, nappies and wet wipes being a part of your precious handbags…are simple mom things that go unnoticed. The bandages on knees, kisses on foreheads, pillows fluffed just the right way, laundry folded, folded and folded (!), blankets tucked perfectly and sometimes tears that peep as you keep going, are the moments that a mom alone can feel.

Have you ever gotten up in the middle of the night to make sure all are okay?

Have you ever felt your heart wander outside your body?

Have you ever thought which plants are poisonous in your garden?

Have you ever been so clumsy, wet, and shabby and yet looked and felt so beautiful and fresh?!

All these “have you’s” lead ultimately to simply being a mom!

Yes. To me, simply being a mom is enough

It’s enough I say!

(Image Source: Google Images)

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