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Panchatantra Story: The Cat’s Judgement

The Cat's Judgement panchatantra story

A partridge lived in a nest beneath a large peepul tree. She had been living there for many years. One day she left home to look for food. She travelled to a corn field far away and stayed in the field for many days.

While the partridge was away, a rabbit found her empty nest and made it his home. When the partridge returned, she was surprised and angry to find the rabbit living there. She told the rabbit to leave, but the rabbit refused saying that it was no longer her home since she had not been living there for many days and he had found it empty.

The rabbit and the partridge argued loudly for some time. Many animals and birds gathered around. They heard both sides of the argument but were unable to decide whom the house belonged to. They told the partridge and the rabbit to take the dispute to a judge.

The partridge and rabbit travelled far and wide, finally reaching the banks of the Ganges. There at a distance, they saw a tom-cat. However, they were scared to approach him. The tom-cat was very wicked. He quickly closed his eyes, stood up on his hind legs and started praying at the top of his voice. The partridge and the rabbit were puzzled as they were seeing a holy cat for the first time. They decided he would be a good judge for their dispute.

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When the tom-cat finished his prayers and opened his eyes, the partridge explained the entire argument to the cat. When she had finished speaking, the rabbit told his part of the story.

The cat sat quietly for a minute and then said, “I am very old and cannot hear or see properly. Can you both come a little closer and tell me the whole story again?”

The partridge and the rabbit now trusted the tom-cat and moved closer to him. As soon as they moved forward, the cat hit them hard with his paws, killed them and ate them up.

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