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5 Things You Did Not Know About Elephants [Video]

facts about elephants books

Elephants have been a muse for many a storyteller. There is something about the long trunk, the big ears, and the slow and heavy tread that appeals to the storyteller and the listener alike. Some of our favorite elephant books are Gajapati KulapatiElephant in the Attic and But No Elephants.

But did you know that behind the cool and jumbo exterior (pun, intended), an elephant has many qualities which are rarely spoken about.

Watch the video below to know what these are:

1. Elephants are Great Gardeners

Elephants eat the barks and roots of dry and dead trees. They dig up the soil in their quest for roots, in the process uprooting them and tilling the soil. This makes space for new plants to grow. As good as any gardener, eh?

2. The Good Samaritan

An elephant’s footprint, left in muddy or clayey soil, is large and deep enough to collect rain water. This water can be used by smaller animals like frogs, snails and even birds, saving them a longer journey to a larger water source.

3. The Water-Digger at Work

In dry places, elephants use their tusks to dig for water, making the water available not only to themselves, but also to other animals.

4. The Poopy Seed Dispenser

Almost 60% of what elephants eat, is not digested by them, and is excreted as it is. And since elephants eat a whole lot of fauna, it means their dung consists of a whole lot of seeds and is an excellent manure. Seeds are carried great distances this way.

Recommended: Read The Elephant’s Child and Other Stories by Rudyard Kipling

5. Elephants are Eco-Friendly

Elephant poop can be used to make 100% chemical-free mosquito repellent, paper, and even beer and coffee brew. In African countries, elephant dung is extensively used to make eco-friendly paper. A great way to reduce the carbon footprint and save trees at the same time!

We bet you did not know these facts about elephants. Do you have some more facts to share about these marvelous creatures. Let us know in the comments below!

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